Advanced SERP Database
This is a legacy version page. See the updated documentation here.
The Advanced SERP Database contains over 500 million Google results pages with extra SERP features, such as rich snippets, knowledge graphs, etc.
This database is available only in JSON format.
The database in JSON contains data structured like in the example below:
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"url": "", "question_text": "Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following:", "answer_text": "135", "source": "Careers360", "domain": "", "votes": 1 } ], "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 27, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[7]/div[2]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "etv": 11, "impressions_etv": 63, "traffic_cost": 136 }, { "type": "podcasts", "items": [ { "type": "podcasts_element", "title": "Fresh Air", "url": "", "description": "Celebrating Sonny Rollins / Octavia Spencer", "timestamp": "2020-09-13 22:42:55 +00:00", "time_to_play": "49m" }, { "type": "podcasts_element", "title": "Fresh Air", "url": "", "description": "Best Of: Cherry Jones / The Early Years Of The CIA", "timestamp": "2020-09-11 14:42:55 +00:00", "time_to_play": "50m" } ], "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 27, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[6]/div[2]/div[9]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "etv": 23, "impressions_etv": 252, "traffic_cost": 119 }, { "type": "top_sights", "items": [ { "type": "top_sights_element", "title": "Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens4.8(6,300)Botanical gardens & Victorian greenhouse", "url": ",4258168,4270442,4306835,4317915,4322823,4328159,4371335,4401769,4403882,4419364,4424916,4425793,4428791,4432151,4432284,4270859,4284970,4291517,4412693&hl=en&gl=us&un=1&dest_mid=/m/068p2&dest_state_type=sattd&dest_src=ts&poi_mid=/m/077lw0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwij75zu5NnrAhURqXEKHUGZBbIQ69EBKAAwAHoECAoQKQ", "description": "Botanical gardens & Victorian greenhouse", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 4.8, "votes_count": 6300, "rating_max": 5 } }, { "type": "top_sights_element", "title": "The Andy Warhol Museum4.6(2,958)Warhol's works & the art he inspired", "url": ",4258168,4270442,4306835,4317915,4322823,4328159,4371335,4401769,4403882,4419364,4424916,4425793,4428791,4432151,4432284,4270859,4284970,4291517,4412693&hl=en&gl=us&un=1&dest_mid=/m/068p2&dest_state_type=sattd&dest_src=ts&poi_mid=/m/04n7k0b&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwij75zu5NnrAhURqXEKHUGZBbIQ69EBKAEwAHoECAoQKw", "description": "Warhol's works & the art he inspired", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 4.6, "votes_count": 2958, "rating_max": 5 } } ], "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 24, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[8]/div[3]/div[9]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "title": "Top sights in Pittsburgh", "etv": 110, "impressions_etv": 204, "traffic_cost": 65 }, { "type": "scholarly_articles", "items": [ { "type": "scholarly_articles_element", "title": "… for publication in the Journal of Translational Medicine", "url": "", "author": "Marincola", "description": "- Cited by 462" }, { "type": "scholarly_articles_element", "title": "… in medicine -a review with quality grading of articles", "url": "", "author": "Aspegren", "description": "- Cited by 612" } ], "title": "Scholarly articles for medicine articles", "url": "", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 25, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[6]/div[2]/div[9]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "etv": 117, "impressions_etv": 7, "traffic_cost": 152 }, { "type": "visual_stories", "items": [ { "type": "visual_stories_element", "title": "Best Things To Do in New York City – U.S. News & World Report", "url": "", "domain": "" }, { "type": "visual_stories_element", "title": "Best things to do on New York City's Roosevelt Island", "url": "", "domain": "" }, { "type": "visual_stories_element", "title": "Things To Do In New York City", "url": "", "domain": "" } ], "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 30, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/div[3]/div[1]/g-card[1]", "etv": null, "impressions_etv": null, "traffic_cost": 0 }, { "type": "local_services", "title": null, "url": null, "domain": null, "items": [ { "type": "local_services_element", "title": "Custom cleaners", "url": "", "domain": "", "description": "2020 years in business", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 5, "votes_count": 5, "rating_max": 5 }, "profile_image_url": null }, { "type": "local_services_element", "title": "The clean queen", "url": "", "domain": "", "description": "2 years in business", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 5, "votes_count": 5, "rating_max": 5 }, "profile_image_url": null }, { "type": "local_services_element", "title": "Sakura Cleaning Ltd", "url": "", "domain": "", "description": "1 year in business", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 4.5, "votes_count": null, "rating_max": 5 }, "profile_image_url": null } ], "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 1, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[7]/div[1]/div[9]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "etv": 54723, "impressions_etv": 34355, "traffic_cost": 250.21 }, { "type": "commercial_units", "title": "Tickets & tours", "items": [ { "type": "commercial_units_element", "title": "9/11 Memorial at World Trade Center and Financial District Walking Tour", "url": "", "domain": "", "price": "$40", "source": "Viator", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 5, "votes_count": 9, "rating_max": 5 } }, { "type": "commercial_units_element", "title": "Brooklyn: 2-Hour Manhattan & Brooklyn Bridges Bike Tour", "url": "", "domain": "", "price": "$58", "source": "GetYourGuide", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 4.5, "votes_count": 18, "rating_max": 5 } }, { "type": "commercial_units_element", "title": "Private Carriage Ride in Central Park", "url": "", "domain": "", "price": "$85", "source": "Viator", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 4.5, "votes_count": 28, "rating_max": 5 } }, { "type": "commercial_units_element", "title": "Statue of Liberty Sail On The Classic Schooner Shearwater", "url": "", "domain": "", "price": "$45", "source": "GetYourGuide", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 4.5, "votes_count": 17, "rating_max": 5 } }, { "type": "commercial_units_element", "title": "Romantic Central Park Horse-Drawn Carriage Tour", "url": "", "domain": "", "price": "$287", "source": "Viator", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 5, "votes_count": 1, "rating_max": 5 } }, { "type": "commercial_units_element", "title": "New York in One Day Guided Sightseeing Tour", "url": "", "domain": "", "price": "$89", "source": "Viator", "rating": { "rating_type": "Max5", "value": 5, "votes_count": 2000, "rating_max": 5 } }, { "type": "commercial_units_element", "title": "NYC: Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, 911 & Cruise Pass", "url": "", "domain": "", "price": "$100", "source": "GetYourGuide", "rating": null }, { "type": "commercial_units_element", "title": "NYC Ground Zero: Family Tour with Ticket for 9/11 Museum", "url": "", "domain": "", "price": "$479", "source": "GetYourGuide", "rating": null } ], "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 1, "position": "left", "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "etv": 54723, "impressions_etv": 34355, "traffic_cost": 250.21 } ] }, "extra": { "core_keyword": null } }
Description of the fields in the SERP Database:
Field name | Type | Description |
keyword |
string | search query UTF-8 encoding applies |
location |
integer | location code unique identifier of the corresponding location you can receive the list of available locations with their location_code by making a separate request to the example: 2840 corresponds to the United States |
language |
string | language code unique identifier of the language available for the corresponding location you can receive the list of available locations with their language_code by making a separate request to the example: en corresponds to English |
spell |
string | autocorrection of the search engine if the search engine provided results for a keyword that was corrected, we will specify the keyword corrected by the search engine and the type of autocorrection |
spell_type |
string | type of autocorrection possible values: did_you_mean , showing_results_for , no_results_found_for |
keyword_info |
object | keyword data for the returned keyword |
search_volume |
integer | average monthly search volume rate represents either the approximate number of searches for the given keyword idea on or and partners, depending on the user’s targeting |
cpc |
float | cost-per-click represents the average cost per click (USD) historically paid for the keyword |
competition |
float | competition represents the relative amount of competition associated with the given keyword; the value is based on Google Ads data and can be between 0 and 1 (inclusive) |
time_update |
string | date and time when keyword data was last updated in the ISO 8601 format: “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssssssZ” example: 2020-09-12T00:07:43.0733218Z |
categories |
array | product and service categories you can download the full list of possible categories |
history |
object | monthly searches represents the (approximate) number of searches on the returned keyword in the given location |
impressions_info |
object | impressions data for the returned keyword |
ad_position_avg |
float | the average ad position represents the average position of the paid result in Google SERP for the returned keyword |
ad_position_min |
float | the minimum ad position represents the minimum position of the paid result in Google SERP for the returned keyword |
ad_position_max |
float | the maximum ad position represents the maximum position of the paid result in Google SERP for returned keyword |
cpc_avg |
float | the average value of cost-per-click represents the average cost-per-click (USD) historically paid for the keyword in Google Ads |
cpc_min |
float | the minimum value of cost-per-click represents the minimum cost-per-click (USD) historically paid for the keyword in Google Ads |
cpc_max |
float | the maximum value of cost-per-click represents the maximum cost-per-click (USD) historically paid for the keyword in Google Ads |
daily_impressions_avg |
float | the average value of daily impressions represents the average number of daily impressions of the paid result in Google SERP for the returned keyword |
daily_impressions_min |
float | the minimum value of daily impressions represents the minimum number of daily impressions of the paid result in Google SERP for the returned keyword |
daily_impressions_max |
float | the maximum value of daily impressions represents the maximum number of daily impressions of the paid result in Google SERP for the returned keyword |
daily_clicks_avg |
float | the average value of daily clicks represents the average number of daily clicks on the paid result in Google SERP for the returned keyword |
daily_clicks_min |
float | the minimum value of daily clicks represents the minimum number of daily clicks on the paid result in Google SERP for the returned keyword |
daily_clicks_max |
float | the maximum value of daily clicks represents the maximum number of daily clicks on the paid result in Google SERP for the returned keyword |
bid |
integer | the maximum bid we return the results for the 999 bid value to provide the most relevant impressions data |
daily_cost_avg |
float | the average daily cost value represents the average daily cost of running ads for the returned keyword in Google Ads |
daily_cost_min |
float | the minimum daily cost value represents the minimum daily cost of running ads for the returned keyword in Google Ads |
daily_cost_max |
float | the maximum daily cost value represents the maximum daily cost of running ads for the returned keyword in Google Ads |
time_update |
string | date and time when keyword data was last updated in the ISO 8601 format: “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssssssZ” example: 2020-09-12T00:07:43.0733218Z |
bing_keyword_info |
object | keyword data based on bing ads note: bing data is available for a limited number of locations and languages |
search_volume |
integer | monthly number of searches on bing represents the number of searches for the given keyword idea on for the past month |
time_update |
string | date and time when keyword data was last updated in the ISO 8601 format: “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssssssZ” example: 2020-09-12T00:07:43.0733218Z |
history |
object | monthly searches represents the number of monthly Bing searches on the returned keyword in the given location |
serp_info |
object | SERP data available for the returned keyword |
check_url |
string | direct URL to search engine results you can use it to make sure that we provided exact results |
items_count |
integer | the number of results returned in the serp array |
keyword_difficulty |
integer | difficulty of ranking in the first top-10 organic results for a keyword indicates the chance of getting in top-10 organic results for a keyword on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100; calculated by analysing, among other parameters, link profiles of the first 10 pages in SERP; learn more about the metric in this help center guide |
se_results_count |
integer | total number of results in SERP |
time_update |
string | date and time when SERP data was last updated in the ISO 8601 format: “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssssssZ” example: 2020-09-12T00:07:43.0733218Z |
previous_updated_time |
string | previous to the most recent update of SERP data in the ISO 8601 format: “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssssssZ” example: 2020-09-12T00:07:43.0733218Z |
item_types |
array | types of search results in SERP contains types of search results ( items ) found in SERP.possible item types: answer_box , carousel , multi_carousel , featured_snippet , google_flights , google_reviews , images , jobs , knowledge_graph , local_pack , map , organic , paid , people_also_ask , related_searches , people_also_search , shopping , top_stories , twitter , video , events , mention_carousel , find_results_on , stocks_box , visual_stories , commercial_units , local_services , knowledge_graph_carousel_item , knowledge_graph_description_item , knowledge_graph_expanded_item , knowledge_graph_images_item , knowledge_graph_list_item , knowledge_graph_row_item , knowledge_graph_part_item , knowledge_graph_shopping_item , recipes , top_sights , scholarly_articles , popular_products , podcasts , questions_and_answers , hotels_pack , google_hotels , math_solver |
serp |
array | contains data on the SERP elements found for the returned keyword |
‘organic’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
pre_snippet |
string | includes additional information appended before the result description in SERP |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
breadcrumb |
string | breadcrumb in SERP |
images |
array | images of the element |
type |
string | type of element = ‘images_element‘ |
alt |
string | alt tag of the image |
url |
string | relevant URL |
image_url |
string | URL of the image the URL leading to the image on the original resource or DataForSEO storage (in case the original source is not available) |
is_image |
boolean | indicates whether the element contains an image |
is_video |
boolean | indicates whether the element contains a video |
is_featured_snippet |
boolean | indicates whether the element is a featured_snippet |
extended_snippet |
string | includes additional information appended after the result description in SERP |
amp_version |
boolean | Accelerated Mobile Pages indicates whether an item has the Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) version |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
highlighted |
array | words highlighted in bold within the results description |
links |
array | sitelinks the links shown below some of Google’s search results if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
url |
string | sitelink URL |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
main_domain |
string | main domain in SERP without subdomains |
url |
string | relevant absolute URL in SERP |
relative_url |
string | relative URL from SERP |
is_malicious |
boolean | indicates whether the element is marked as malicious |
faq |
object | frequently asked questions questions and answers extension shown below some of Google’s search results if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘faq_box‘ |
items |
array | items featured in the faq_box |
type |
string | type of element = ‘faq_box_element‘ |
title |
string | question related to the result |
description |
string | answer provided in the drop-down block |
links |
array | links featured in the faq_box_element |
type |
string | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | link anchor text |
description |
string | link description |
url |
string | link URL |
type |
string | type of element = ‘organic’ |
is_new |
boolean | new element indicates whether the element is new compared with the previous version of the database |
is_up |
boolean | element went up indicates whether the element went up in SERP compared with the previous version of the database |
is_down |
boolean | element went down indicates whether the element went down in SERP compared with the previous version of the database |
previous_rank_absolute |
integer | previous absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP previous to the most recent update |
extended_people_also_search |
array | extension of the organic element extension of the organic result containing related search queries Note: extension appears in SERP upon clicking on the result and then bouncing back to search results |
cache_url |
string | cached version of the page |
price |
object | pricing details contains the pricing details of the product or service featured in the result |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
related_search_url |
string | URL to a similar search URL to a new search for the same keyword(s) on related sites |
related_result |
array | related result from the same domain related result from the same domain appears as a part of the main result snippet; you can derive the related_result snippets as "type": "organic" results by setting the group_organic_results parameter to false in the POST request |
type |
string | type of element = ‘related_result‘ |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
domain |
string | relevant domain |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | relevant URL in SERP |
cache_url |
string | cached version of the page |
related_search_url |
string | URL to a similar search URL to a new search for the same keyword(s) on related sites |
breadcrumb |
string | breadcrumb in SERP |
is_image |
boolean | indicates whether the element contains an image |
is_video |
boolean | indicates whether the element contains a video |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
pre_snippet |
string | includes additional information appended before the result description in SERP |
extended_snippet |
string | includes additional information appended after the result description in SERP |
images |
array | images of the element |
type |
string | type of element = ‘images_element‘ |
alt |
string | alt tag of the image |
url |
string | relevant URL |
amp_version |
boolean | Accelerated Mobile Pages indicates whether an item has the Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) version |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
price |
object | pricing details contains the pricing details of the product or service featured in the result |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
highlighted |
array | words highlighted in bold within the result’s description |
about_this_result |
object | contains information from the ‘About this result’ panel ‘About this result’ panel provides additional context about why Google returned this result for the given query; this feature appears after clicking on the three dots next to most results |
type |
string | type of element = ‘about_this_result_element‘ |
url |
string | result’s URL |
source |
string | source of additional information about the result |
source_info |
string | additional information about the result description of the website from Wikipedia or another additional context |
source_url |
string | URL to full information from the source
language |
string | the language of the result |
location |
string | location for which the result is relevant |
search_terms |
array | matching search terms that appear in the result |
related_terms |
array | related search terms that appear in the result |
time_stamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
about_this_result |
object | contains information from the ‘About this result’ panel ‘About this result’ panel provides additional context about why Google returned this result for the given query; this feature appears after clicking on the three dots next to most results |
type |
string | type of element = ‘about_this_result_element‘ |
url |
string | result’s URL |
source |
string | source of additional information about the result |
source_info |
string | additional information about the result description of the website from Wikipedia or another additional context |
source_url |
string | URL to full information from the source
language |
string | the language of the result |
location |
string | location for which the result is relevant |
search_terms |
array | matching search terms that appear in the result |
related_terms |
array | related search terms that appear in the result |
is_web_story |
boolean | indicates whether the element is marked as Google web story |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impression values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of converting organic search traffic into paid represents the estimated monthly cost of running ads for the keyword that a given URL ranks for the metric is calculated as the product of organic etv and paid cpc values and indicates the cost of driving the estimated volume of monthly organic traffic through PPC advertising in Google Search |
‘paid’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
domain |
string | full domain in SERP of the Ad element |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
breadcrumb |
string | breadcrumb of the Ad element in SERP |
url |
string | relevant absolute URL of the Ad element in SERP |
main_domain |
string | main domain in SERP without subdomains |
relative_url |
string | relevant relative URL of the Ad element in SERP |
highlighted |
array | words highlighted in bold within the results description |
extra |
object | additional information about the result |
ad_aclk |
string | the identifier of the ad |
description_rows |
array | extended description if there is none, equals null |
links |
array | sitelinks the links shown below some of Google’s search results if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘ad_link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the element |
url |
string | URL link |
description |
string | description of the link element in SERP |
ad_aclk |
string | the identifier of the ad |
type |
string | type of element = ‘paid’ |
is_new |
boolean | new element indicates whether the element is new compared with the previous version of the database |
is_up |
boolean | element went up indicates whether the element went up in SERP compared with the previous version of the database |
is_down |
boolean | element went down indicates whether the element went down in SERP compared with the previous version of the database |
previous_rank_absolute |
integer | previous absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP previous to the most recent update |
price |
object | pricing details contains the pricing details of the product or service featured in the result |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘carousel’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘carousel_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
sub_title |
string | subtitle of the item |
type |
string | type of element = ‘carousel’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘multi_carousel’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘multi_carousel’ |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘multi_carousel_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
multi_carousel_snippets |
array | multi_carousel_snippet results |
type |
string | type of element = ‘multi_carousel_snippet‘ |
title |
string | title of a particular item |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘answer_box’ element in SERP![]() |
text |
array | text if there is none, equals null |
links |
array | sitelinks the links shown below some of Google’s search results if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the link |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
url |
string | URL link |
type |
string | type of element = ‘answer_box’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘related_searches’ element in SERP![]() |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘related_searches’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘people_also_search’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘people_also_search’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘local_pack’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
phone |
string | phone number |
is_paid |
boolean | indicates whether the element is an ad |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
main_domain |
string | main domain in SERP without subdomains |
url |
string | relevant absolute URL in SERP |
relative_url |
string | relative URL from SERP |
type |
string | type of element = ‘local_pack’ |
is_new |
boolean | new element indicates whether the element is new compared with the previous version of the database |
is_up |
boolean | element went up indicates whether the element went up in SERP compared with the previous version of the database |
is_down |
boolean | element went down indicates whether the element went down in SERP compared with the previous version of the database |
previous_rank_absolute |
integer | previous absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP previous to the most recent update |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of converting organic search traffic into paid represents the estimated monthly cost of running ads for the keyword that a given URL ranks for; the metric is calculated as the product of organic etv and paid cpc values and indicates the cost of driving the estimated volume of monthly organic traffic through PPC advertising in Google Search |
‘knowledge_graph’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
sub_title |
string | subtitle of the item |
description |
string | description |
card_id |
string | card id |
url |
string | relevant URL |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_carousel_item‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
link |
object | link in the item |
type |
array | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the link element |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
url |
string | URL link |
data_attrid |
string | google defined data attribute ID example: action:listen_artist |
items |
array | elements of the knowledge graph carousel |
type |
array | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_carousel_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the element |
subtitle |
string | subtitle of the element |
url |
string | URL |
domain |
string | domain in the URL |
image_url |
string | URL of the image |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
type |
string | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_description_item‘ |
text |
string | text featured in the item |
links |
array | links in the item |
type |
array | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the link element |
description |
string | description of the link |
url |
string | URL link |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
type |
string | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_images_item‘ |
link |
object | link of the item |
type |
array | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the link element |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
url |
string | URL link |
items |
array | elements of the knowledge graph images |
type |
array | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_images_element‘ |
url |
string | URL |
domain |
string | domain in the URL |
alt |
string | alternative text of the image |
image_url |
string | URL of the image |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
type |
string | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_list_item‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
link |
object | link of the item |
type |
array | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the link element |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
url |
string | URL link |
data_attrid |
string | google defined data attribute ID example: action:listen_artist |
items |
array | elements of the knowledge graph list |
type |
array | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_list_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the element |
subtitle |
string | subtitle of the element |
url |
string | URL |
domain |
string | domain in the URL |
image_url |
string | URL of the image |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
type |
string | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_row_item‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
data_attrid |
string | google defined data attribute ID example: action:listen_artist |
text |
string | text featured in the item |
links |
array | links of the item |
type |
array | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the link element |
description |
string | description of the link |
url |
string | URL link |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
type |
string | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_part_item‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
text |
string | text featured in the item |
data_attrid |
string | google defined data attribute ID example: action:listen_artist |
links |
array | links of the item |
type |
array | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the link element |
description |
string | description of the link |
url |
string | URL link |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
type |
string | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_shopping_item‘ |
data_attrid |
string | google defined data attribute ID example: action:listen_artist |
items |
array | elements of the knowledge graph shopping item |
type |
array | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_shopping_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the element |
url |
string | URL |
domain |
string | domain in the URL |
price |
object | price indicated in the element |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
source |
string | web source of the shopping element indicates the source of information included in the element |
snippet |
string | description of the shopping element |
marketplace |
string | merchant account provider ecommerce site that hosts products or websites of individual sellers under the same merchant account example: by Google |
marketplace_url |
string | URL to the merchant account provider ecommerce site that hosts products or websites of individual sellers under the same merchant account |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
type |
string | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_expanded_item‘ |
title |
string | title of the element |
data_attrid |
string | google defined data attribute ID example: action:listen_artist |
expanded_element |
array | expanded element |
type |
array | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph_expanded_element‘ |
featured_title |
string | featured title of the element |
url |
string | URL |
domain |
string | domain in the URL |
title |
string | title of the element |
snippet |
string | description of the shopping element |
table |
object | table featured in the expanded element |
table_header |
array | table header |
table_content |
array | content of the table |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
type |
string | type of element = ‘knowledge_graph’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘featured_snippet’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
featured_title |
string | the title of the featured snippets source page |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
table |
object | results table if there are none, equals null |
table_header |
array | column names |
table_content |
array | the content of the table one line of the table in this element of the array |
type |
string | type of element = ‘featured_snippet’ |
domain |
string | full domain in SERP of the Ad element |
main_domain |
string | main domain in SERP without subdomains |
url |
string | relevant absolute URL of the element in SERP |
relative_url |
string | relative URL of the element in SERP |
is_new |
boolean | new element indicates whether the element is new compared with the previous version of the database |
is_up |
boolean | element went up indicates whether the element went up in SERP compared with the previous version of the database |
is_down |
boolean | element went down indicates whether the element went down in SERP compared with the previous version of the database |
previous_rank_absolute |
integer | previous absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP previous to the most recent update |
images |
array | images of the element |
type |
string | type of element = ‘images_element‘ |
alt |
string | alt tag of the image |
url |
string | relevant URL |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘top_stories’ element in SERP![]() |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘top_stories_element‘ |
source |
string | source of the element indicates the source of information included in the top stories element |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
date |
string | the date when the page source of the element was published |
url |
string | URL |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the episode was added in the format “year-month-date:minutes:UTC_difference_hours:UTC_difference_minutes” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
type |
string | type of element = ‘top_stories’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘twitter’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | URL |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘twitter_element‘ |
tweet |
string | tweet message |
date |
string | the posting date |
url |
string | URL |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
type |
string | type of element = ‘twitter’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘map’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | URL of the result in SERP |
type |
string | type of element = ‘map’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type values;positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘google_flights’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘google_flights’ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | URL of the result in SERP |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘google_flights_element‘ |
description |
string | description | url |
string | URL |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘google_reviews’ element in SERP![]() |
reviews_count |
integer | the number of reviews |
place_id |
string | the identifier of a place |
feature |
string | the additional feature of the review |
type |
string | type of element = ‘google_reviews’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘video’ element in SERP![]() |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘video_element‘ |
source |
string | source of the element indicates the source of the video |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | URL |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
type |
string | type of element = ‘video’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type values;positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘people_also_ask’ element in SERP![]() |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘people_also_ask_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
expanded_element |
object | expanded element |
featured_title |
string | title |
url |
string | relevant URL |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
table |
object | results table if there are none, equals null |
table_header |
array | column names |
table_content |
array | the content of the table one line of the table in this element of the array |
type |
string | type of element = ‘people_also_ask_expanded_element‘ |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
type |
string | type of element = ‘people_also_ask’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type values;positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘images’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | relevant URL |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘images_element‘ |
alt |
string | the alt tag of the image |
url |
string | URL |
related_image_searches |
array | contains keywords and images related to the specified search term if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘related_image_searches_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the element indicates keyword that may be used with the specified term to refine image search |
alt |
string | alt tag of the featured image |
url |
string | original URL of the featured image the URL leading to the image on the original resource |
image_url |
string | URL to the compressed featured image the URL leading to the image on DataForSEO storage |
type |
string | type of element = ‘images’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type values;positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘shopping’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘shopping_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
price |
object | price |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
source |
string | source of the element indicates the source of information included in the ‘shopping’ element |
description |
string | the description of the results element in SERP |
marketplace |
string | merchant account provider commerce site that hosts products or websites of individual sellers under the same merchant account example: by Google |
marketplace_url |
string | relevant marketplace URL URL of the page on the marketplace website where the product is hosted |
type |
string | type of element = ‘shopping’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘jobs’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
url |
string | URL of the result in SERP |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘jobs_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
description |
string | snippet |
author |
string | author |
job_posted_time |
string | the time when the job was posted |
contract_type |
string | contract type |
salary |
string | salary |
url |
string | URL |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
type |
string | type of element = ‘jobs’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type values;positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘events’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘events’ |
url |
string | URL of the result in SERP |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘events_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
snippet |
string | snippet of the element |
url |
string | events_element URL |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type values;positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘mention_carousel’ element in SERP![]() |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘mention_carousel_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
price |
object | price |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
mentioned_in |
array | additional elements in the mention_carousel item |
type |
string | type of element = ‘link_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
snippet |
string | snippet of the element |
url |
string | link_element URL |
type |
string | type of element = ‘mention_carousel’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type values;positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘find_results_on’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘find_results_on’ |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘find_results_on_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
domain |
string | domain name of the source |
url |
string | find_results_on_element URL |
source |
string | source of the element indicates the source of information included in the element |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘stocks_box’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘‘stocks_box’’ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
source |
string | source of the element indicates the source of information provided in the stocks_box element |
snippet |
string | snippet of the element |
price |
object | price quote featured on Google at the time when our API pulled the results note that stock prices displayed in the stocks_box element may be delayed according to Google Finance disclaimer |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
url |
string | relevant URL |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
table |
object | results table if there are none, equals null |
table_header |
array | column names if there are none, equals null |
table_content |
array | the content of the table additional information about the stock prices displayed below the graph if there is none, equals null |
graph |
object | contains data provided in the graph of the element |
items |
array | data provided for the date and time when our API pulled the results |
type |
string | type of element = ‘graph_element’ corresponds to one point on the graph that indicates the stock price for a specific date and time |
date |
string | date and time in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss ISO 8601 formatindicates date and time for which the stock price in the value field is provided |
value |
integer | stock price stock price for the date and time provided in the date field |
previous_items |
array | previous close data contains stock price data based on the preceding time period |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
type |
string | type of element = ‘graph_element’ corresponds to one point on the graph that indicates the stock price for a specific date and time |
date |
string | date and time in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss ISO 8601 formatindicates the date and time for which the value field provides previous close pricefor example, "date": "2020-10-28T15:45:00" and "value": 11080.2857 mean the stock was traded at 11080.2857 on Oct. 27, 2020 at 15:45:00 |
value |
integer | previous close price closing price on the preceding time period |
‘currency_box’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘currency_box’ |
value |
integer | value to convert |
converted_value |
float | value converted to a requested currency indicates the exact value based on Google Fincance data at the time when our API pulled the results note that exchange rates displayed in the currency_box element may be delayed according to the Google Finance disclaimer |
currency |
string | currency to convert |
converted_currency |
string | converted currency |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the result was published in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
table |
object | results table if there are none, equals null |
table_header |
array | column names if there are none, equals null |
table_content |
array | the content of the table information about the requested exchange rates as featured in SERP if there is none, equals null |
graph |
object | contains data provided in the graph of the element |
items |
array | data provided for the date and time when our API pulled the results |
type |
string | type of element = ‘graph_element’ corresponds to one point on the graph that indicates the exchange rate for a specific date and time |
date |
string | date and time in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss ISO 8601 formatindicates date and time for which the exchange rate in the value field is provided |
value |
float | exchange rate exchange rate for the date and time provided in the date field |
previous_items |
array | exchange rates on the preceding time period contains exchange rate data based on the preceding time period if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘graph_element’ corresponds to one point on the graph that indicates the exchange rate for a specific date and time |
date |
string | date and time in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss ISO 8601 formatindicates the date and time for which the value field provides previous exchange rate |
value |
float | previous exchange rate exchange rate on the preceding time period |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘recipes’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘recipes’ |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘recipes_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
url |
string | recipes_element URL |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
source |
string | source of the element indicates the source of information included in the top stories element |
description |
string | snippet of the element |
time |
string | the total time it takes to prepare the cook the dish |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘top_sights’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘top_sights’ |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘top_sights_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
url |
string | top_sights_element URL |
description |
string | snippet of the element |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘scholarly_articles’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘scholarly_articles’ |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘scholarly_articles_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
url |
string | scholarly_articles_element URL |
author |
string | author |
description |
string | snippet of the element |
rating |
array | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
title |
string | title of the item |
url |
string | URL of the result in SERP |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘popular_products’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘popular_products’ |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘popular_products_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
snippet |
string | snippet of the element |
price |
object | price |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘podcasts’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘podcasts’ |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘podcasts_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
url |
string | podcasts_element URL |
snippet |
string | snippet of the element |
timestamp |
string | date and time when the episode was added in the format “year-month-date:minutes:UTC_difference_hours:UTC_difference_minutes” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
time_to_play |
string | the total time it will take to play an episode |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘questions_and_answers’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘questions_and_answers’ |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘questions_and_answers_element‘ |
url |
string | questions_and_answers_element URL |
question_text |
string | question included in the item |
answer_text |
string | answer included in the item |
source |
string | name of the source |
votes |
integer | number of votes |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘hotels_pack’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘hotels_pack’ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
date_from |
string | starting date of stay in the format “year-month-date” example: 2019-11-15 |
date_to |
string | ending date of stay in the format “year-month-date” example: 2019-11-17 |
items |
array | contains results featured in the ‘hotels_pack’ element of SERP |
type |
string | type of element = ‘hotels_pack_element’ |
title |
string | title of the place |
url |
string | relevant URL |
desription |
string | description of the place in SERP |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
float | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
price |
object | price of booking a place for the specified dates of stay |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of booking a place for the specified dates of stay |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of booking a place for the specified dates of stay |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of booking a place for the specified dates of stay |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
is_paid |
boolean | indicates whether the element is an ad |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘google_posts’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘google_posts’ |
posts_id |
string | the identifier of the google_posts feature |
feature |
string | the additional feature of the review |
cid |
string | google-defined client id unique id of a local establishment; can be used with Google Reviews API to get a full list of reviews |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘visual_stories’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘visual_stories’ |
items |
array | contains results featured in the visual_stories element of SERP |
type |
string | type of element = ‘visual_stories_element’ |
title |
string | title of the visual story |
url |
string | relevant URL |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘commercial units’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘commercial_units’ |
title |
string | title of the visual story |
items |
array | contains results featured in the commercial_units element of SERP |
type |
string | type of element = ‘commercial_units_element’ |
title |
string | title of the element |
url |
string | relevant URL |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
price |
object | price |
current |
float | current price indicates the current price of the product or service featured in the result |
regular |
float | regular price indicates the regular price of the product or service with no discounts applied |
max_value |
float | the maximum price the maximum price of the product or service as indicated in the result |
currency |
string | currency of the listed price ISO code of the currency applied to the price |
is_price_range |
boolean | price is provided as a range indicates whether a price is provided in a range |
displayed_price |
string | price string in the result raw price string as provided in the result |
source |
string | source |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘local services’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘local_services’ |
title |
string | title of the local services element |
url |
string | relevant URL |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
items |
array | contains results featured in the local_services element of SERP |
type |
string | type of element = ‘local_services_element’ |
title |
string | title of the element |
url |
string | relevant URL |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
description |
string | description of the element |
rating |
object | the item’s rating the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP |
rating_type |
string | the type of rating here you can find the following elements: Max5 , Percents , CustomMax |
value |
integer | the value of the rating |
votes_count |
integer | the amount of feedback |
rating_max |
integer | the maximum value for a rating_type |
profile_image_url |
string | URL to the image featured in the element |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
‘google_hotels’ element in SERP![]() |
hotel_identifier |
string | unique hotel identifier unique hotel identifier assigned by Google; example: "CgoIjaeSlI6CnNpVEAE" |
url |
string | URL of the element |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
‘math_solver’ element in SERP![]() |
type |
string | type of element = ‘math_solver’ |
title |
string | title of the result in SERP |
result |
string | solution to the equation solution to the mathematical equation specified in the keyword field when setting a task |
items |
array | additional items present in the element if there are none, equals null |
type |
string | type of element = ‘math_solver_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the item |
expanded_element |
array | expanded element |
type |
string | type of element = ‘math_solver_expanded_element‘ |
title |
string | title of the element |
solution |
array | solution of the element displays steps to solve the mathematical equation as specified in the element |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements in SERP |
position |
string | the alignment of the element in SERP can take the following values: left , right |
xpath |
string | the XPath of the element |
etv |
float | estimated traffic volume estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
impressions_etv |
float | estimated traffic volume based on impressions estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and impressions values of the keyword a given URL ranks for |
traffic_cost |
float | estimated cost of monthly search traffic estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain; represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic based on etv and cpc values |
extra |
array | additional information about the keyword |
core_keyword |
string | main keyword in a group contains the main keyword in a group of keywords that share similarities across the keyword_info parametersif the value is null , our database does not contain any keywords that match these criteria |